Wednesday, January 30, 2019

   _Tell me, your majesty: that's how all political prisoners art treated on Bright Moon or that's  some new interrogation technique?

    _Leave me alone, you monster! Oh, noooo.... You are no, no political criminal, you, a, aa, re  common terrorist!

     _What ever! When I will see my lawyer? 

      After transform both He-Man and Skeletor in stone the new and improved Trap Jaw invited some old companions to follow him. Tri-Klops was the first one who accepted the deal.

     Trap Jaw gave to his second in command a eye with mind control powers, and the mission to conquer Bright Moon Castle.

      _How are you doing that to me, you monster?

       _That thing of call me bad names goes against my human rights as a prisoner, I'm sure. Must me a law forbidding that somewhere! Instead, you will call me Master.

      _I wiiiill  no-o-even, not ever, no! Master. Oh, oh. Master. No,  I don't accept that! ...Master. 

      _Good girl! "Angella" seems too formal, since you are calling me Master  I will call you Gigi. Is that acceptable,  your Majesty?

     _I, I, I, I HATE yooou, ...Master. Yes, Master you can call Gigi me. You can call Gigi, Gigi.
         Oh, I hate you! I am Gigi, your Gigi, Master. Hei! Why are you taking my belt?

        NO! You won't  dare to do... YOU ! My clothes, Master, you ripped them...! ...Noouow! 

        _Now you will sing to me, Gigi.

        _I WILL NOT! able to deny you anything, apparently.  What song you want to hear, Master?

       _I thing I had not yet heard Bright Moon National Anthem, little bird 

       _That's too cruel, even for you. I will sing, Master. Let me stand up, to sing it properly.

      _On the contrary, Gigi! You will sing that to me, sitting.   


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