Tuesday, January 22, 2019

    Left to right, Ladies: Felaney, Daurama, Pioxivo, Nafafat, Zrunduy, all from Mioline City.  And the alchemist  Pelvona  of Crinda.

     Felaney _ Our  captor has a  favorite,  hasn't he?   
      Daurama_ I should not say that, but the expression on Xivo's face almost make the prospect of be branded with hot iron worthwhile!

      Felaney _ You will probably he happy about our capture them. Because he don't seems to be the king of men who allow his captive woman privacy: we will probably be present when he takes advantage of his war spoil for the first time;

      Daurama_Well, he do make part of this same spoils after all.

        Nafafta_ Your brother's girlfriend will loose her virginity even before we reach the place where he is taking us to be branded as slaves. She seems really startled the poor thing.

        Zrunduy _ Daly Pioxivo is desperate to escape, you mean! I would expect no less, Fafa.
                          She has been keeping my brother in a short leash since they where 12 years old, insinuating to him that she is almost ready to "give herself" and he will be the first. Poor idiot took his first slavegirl to bed four years after every other boy in our Caste, and after that he lived almost one year afraid that she could find out and brake with him for it.

                          Meanwhile the bitch was  sucking the cock of every men we know, except her boyfriend's. After three years dating her Jiovak could barely touch her boobs, and she bragged about that for the girls. I suspect her mouth has never touched his penis, and they have what? 21 !

       Nafafta _Yes, now that you mentioned, I have heard she talking about her adventures with a Mage Caste ii . And how she managed to keep her precious 'purity' during all that.

                      She probably imagined that every men on Sharitarn would fall for the same tricks she uses with your brother.

        Zrunduy_ That one will not, I'm sure. He isn't the kind of man who wait, or beg.

         Nafafta_ Jiovak would probably not wait or beg either, if he had met the girl as a slave waitress instead to met her as a young High Caste lady of Mioline, from the same caste he is.                         

         Zrunduy_ As pleasant as the idea can be, I still hope my brother finds us before we reach the nearest Iron Worker. I would rater see Pioxivo back in Mioline as the bossy treacherous cunt she is than see us both branded, dancing for a man's pleasure with nothing except a collar with his name on our bodies.           



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