Wednesday, January 30, 2019

   _Tell me, your majesty: that's how all political prisoners art treated on Bright Moon or that's  some new interrogation technique?

    _Leave me alone, you monster! Oh, noooo.... You are no, no political criminal, you, a, aa, re  common terrorist!

     _What ever! When I will see my lawyer? 

      After transform both He-Man and Skeletor in stone the new and improved Trap Jaw invited some old companions to follow him. Tri-Klops was the first one who accepted the deal.

     Trap Jaw gave to his second in command a eye with mind control powers, and the mission to conquer Bright Moon Castle.

      _How are you doing that to me, you monster?

       _That thing of call me bad names goes against my human rights as a prisoner, I'm sure. Must me a law forbidding that somewhere! Instead, you will call me Master.

      _I wiiiill  no-o-even, not ever, no! Master. Oh, oh. Master. No,  I don't accept that! ...Master. 

      _Good girl! "Angella" seems too formal, since you are calling me Master  I will call you Gigi. Is that acceptable,  your Majesty?

     _I, I, I, I HATE yooou, ...Master. Yes, Master you can call Gigi me. You can call Gigi, Gigi.
         Oh, I hate you! I am Gigi, your Gigi, Master. Hei! Why are you taking my belt?

        NO! You won't  dare to do... YOU ! My clothes, Master, you ripped them...! ...Noouow! 

        _Now you will sing to me, Gigi.

        _I WILL NOT! able to deny you anything, apparently.  What song you want to hear, Master?

       _I thing I had not yet heard Bright Moon National Anthem, little bird 

       _That's too cruel, even for you. I will sing, Master. Let me stand up, to sing it properly.

      _On the contrary, Gigi! You will sing that to me, sitting.   


Sunday, January 27, 2019

Captured by Drugs 

Mistresses drugged by their own kajiras. 
Those Panther Women should have locked better the drugged wine they use to trap men in order to capture them. 

  (Second version for a image already published. A lazy way to have a new image without actually make one) 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Unicorn Women

      _You were right, Zalu. Our unicorn mistresses are susceptible the drug  they use to capture human caravans. They barely know where they are right now.

         But how you guessed it would work?  They drinking the wine every full moon and seems just a little drunk. 

        _I noticed the small bottle in this one's pocket. They drank the antidote pure before serve the drugged wine for their 'guests", and a little diluted before their parties, . All I had to do was find out where the antidote was kept and change it for water.   

       _What now?

       _Those where the last ones inside the castle. However, there is two sentinels outside, and they are sober. Not to mention a group hunting in the woods which can track us once we leave.

        _What about the men?

         _I'm not sure, but I don't think there is any one alive. They have only one male of their specie; it is kept in the tunnels below the castle, and they feed it with humans: preferable men. The monster don't seems to be rational, it behaves like a ferocious beast, but that can be a effect of drugs as well. 

          _We could free this beast, and escape while they are occupied recapturing it.

          _Sound like a smart plan to me.


Thursday, January 24, 2019

    _Why is this still here Aunt Shadow?  Teela gave us all the same speech, she was very clear "Whispering Woods must go down!!".  We all have to be smooth for Master Trap Jaw before he came back from Bright Moon. 

     _Uhh, hu, hum, huum, hum, uuuuhum... 

      _You used to be the the smartest member of Horde on this planet Aunt! Sometimes even Daddy had to admit that. When did you became that stupid? 
        Master left the former captain in charge. You don't like to have a mere warrior telling you what to do, I get that. But Evilyn already has accepted her authority, in that nasty way of her but she has. Even Zoar is doing what she is told now! 

        You where there! Teela whipped her own mother until the proud Sorceress of Grayskull  kiss the whip, and after that Zoar has been practicing her blowjobs in front of a mirror everyday like a hungry hummingbird. After that, you still believed that Shadow Weaver's disobedience would go unpunished?? 

       _Huum, hu, hu hu, humm! 

         _Too late for that now, Aunt ! First I will unload on you my frustration for the way how the other girls abuse me, a little bit. Only after that, I will get the warm wax. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Heroic Sacrifice

 _ Why I have to be the one on the bottom ?? 

  _Because you have the power, my dear!

  _You are mistaking me by my brother, again, Evilyn.  Besides, If I have the power them I want to use the power to not be always on the bottom anymore !     

  _Shush ! Silence, both of you. And look pretty. 

     Cant you hear?  Master is about to enter, the corridor. I will not be whipped again because you two can not hold your horses and focus in what we are doing. This time I WILL tell him exactly who disobeyed! 

  _How unheroic of you, Guard Captain ! Sacrifice yourself to protect others who can't protect themselves is the very essence of be a good soldier. Men-at-Arms  would feel very shamed, if he could see you right now.    

   _... I can't argue against that, Evilyn. Father would be shamed indeed. 
         Nethertheless  I will talk with our Master about your peeving attitude later. Now shut up and smile !!!         

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

    Left to right, Ladies: Felaney, Daurama, Pioxivo, Nafafat, Zrunduy, all from Mioline City.  And the alchemist  Pelvona  of Crinda.

     Felaney _ Our  captor has a  favorite,  hasn't he?   
      Daurama_ I should not say that, but the expression on Xivo's face almost make the prospect of be branded with hot iron worthwhile!

      Felaney _ You will probably he happy about our capture them. Because he don't seems to be the king of men who allow his captive woman privacy: we will probably be present when he takes advantage of his war spoil for the first time;

      Daurama_Well, he do make part of this same spoils after all.

        Nafafta_ Your brother's girlfriend will loose her virginity even before we reach the place where he is taking us to be branded as slaves. She seems really startled the poor thing.

        Zrunduy _ Daly Pioxivo is desperate to escape, you mean! I would expect no less, Fafa.
                          She has been keeping my brother in a short leash since they where 12 years old, insinuating to him that she is almost ready to "give herself" and he will be the first. Poor idiot took his first slavegirl to bed four years after every other boy in our Caste, and after that he lived almost one year afraid that she could find out and brake with him for it.

                          Meanwhile the bitch was  sucking the cock of every men we know, except her boyfriend's. After three years dating her Jiovak could barely touch her boobs, and she bragged about that for the girls. I suspect her mouth has never touched his penis, and they have what? 21 !

       Nafafta _Yes, now that you mentioned, I have heard she talking about her adventures with a Mage Caste ii . And how she managed to keep her precious 'purity' during all that.

                      She probably imagined that every men on Sharitarn would fall for the same tricks she uses with your brother.

        Zrunduy_ That one will not, I'm sure. He isn't the kind of man who wait, or beg.

         Nafafta_ Jiovak would probably not wait or beg either, if he had met the girl as a slave waitress instead to met her as a young High Caste lady of Mioline, from the same caste he is.                         

         Zrunduy_ As pleasant as the idea can be, I still hope my brother finds us before we reach the nearest Iron Worker. I would rater see Pioxivo back in Mioline as the bossy treacherous cunt she is than see us both branded, dancing for a man's pleasure with nothing except a collar with his name on our bodies.           



Monday, January 21, 2019


       _Wait! No, stop, not here.  
       I proved my loyalty by helping you to set a trap for her.   
       Please, take her to the dungeon; or let's go to another room. There is no need to make Thyra hear her wife moaning in her  worse enemy's arms.   
       You humiliated me enough already, I know you will have me branded and collared eventually. I will serve you well, slaved or not. She  understand that now, I'm sure. You don't have to be cruel.

       _  Cruelty is provoke or take pleasure in unnecessary suffering. That's very necessary!  She is no longer my rival now, Sil, she is no longer your wife either. The sooner she understand that the better, for her. For you as well, and for me. 
           You are my prisoner, yes. And my lover. Maybe you will be my slave one day, maybe not. 
           About Thyra there is no doubt: she will be branded, and will learn her place in this house as my slave.  She will be a work slave under supervision of Kzanze, and learn to only  speak when commanded to do so. Your former wife will never touch you again Sibila, nor even talk to you. At least not without my permission.  I will rape her, any time I please. Maybe allow the men who work for me t use her if they please. Maybe place her to fight  in taverns, and reward each victory with one night with a slavegirl as the masters of lesbian slave-fighters used to do in Shirshan. I may even allow some free women to taste her, of course. Just not you!        

         _You don't want her, I suppose you could rape the poor woman just to hurt her, but actually do that would bring you less pleasure than talk about it knowing you can actually do anything you want. The other things can be practical, more or less, but she is far less competent as a fighter than she used believe as you just saw for yourself. On the other hand I only survived last year thanks to her and her brother. You could keep her here as prisoner, instead of slave. I will never help her escape, and will never love her again. However, I would be grateful for the favor. 

         _ Her brother died, you said? 

         _Eaten by a wild animal, little more than one year after he became a Warrior Caste citizen. His friend asked me as his free companion, probably more to give us a chance to stay on the city for a little longer. But there was that rumor about a lawless camp where brave women could live as free as men... 

         _Which, of course, where just a rumor. 

          _A misunderstanding, more precisely. There is a group of free females up there, who look like humans from distance but are not, and there is some hermaphrodites banished from Dradinu. No human female, except by many slavegirls and the eventual free women under the protection of her lover. 

           _All right! Thyra will not be branded tomorrow, she will remain in this house as a free women and prisoner. Let's see how things go from that point. 

           _Thank you, Love! We can take the woman to the dungeon now, or find a room for ourselves? I'm anxious to show you my 'gratitude'...                  

Thursday, January 17, 2019

_But, will you still respect me tomorrow morning ? 

    _Of course not ! Tomorrow I will have you branded slave, collared,  and registered as my property. After that I will keep you naked, on your knees next to my feet, eating from my hand. Them I will fuck you for the rest of the day, whatever you like or not. After that you will stay at my disposal, for as long as I please, until you die or I decide to sell you. More likely until I die in battle and you end up in the hands of the victorious warrior who killed me.       

   _That's not a girls's ideal first date, honestly. But I suppose I will have to settle for that in this neighborhood.       

Monday, January 14, 2019


    _Are you sure about that?

   _Totally, master. Your favorite slave will not suffer permanent damage. No consequence  capable to diminish her market value will happen.

    _I am thinking about other thing, the opposite  actually. Are you sure that's a punishment adequate for her actions?

     _I'm positive, Master. That's the punishment this bitch needs, to calm down and start listening. After that she will be far more docile.

      _ She does not sound like someone being punished to me.

      _Don't you trust your first slave anymore, Master? 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Friend and Concubine

_Satisfied ? I hope you are happy with your self! 

    _Well, that's a nice start! Now Take of your dress, and show me your body. I want to see how it look like in you, when you are naked. 

                                        _WHAT !?? "

    _...WELL, dude, you must be more careful about your jokes from now own ! We just proved ourselves that you CAN tell me what to do, and bend me to your will.

    _I'm truly sorry about that, Greice. I was NOT thinking straight !
       Don't worry. You can trust me, I promise: I will never make a joke like that again.

      _You better not !!
         Because if you EVER talk to me using that tone again, friend, I will obey every word !!

       _Of course. And nobody wan... wait, WHAT ?? Said you will do what?

There isn't a story for this image, yet. 

  But just before I end it I was thinking about a conversation I had some time ago, were a friend was actually trying to prove _with rational arguments_ that men are more fragile_ physically_ that women. In that context he mentioned the extreme vulnerability of male's genitals.  

  By the time I mentioned women's breasts as being more exposed and fragile enough, but the subject remained in my mind. 

   Visual fiction do explores the kick in the balls without necessarily have a ideological motivation for it, just because the image works. As every man knows the mere image is a little painful, and use that to tell stories is perfectly fine. At same time there was a trend to avoid scenes were women are kicked or punched in many genders (those scenes do happen from time to time but are less common). Traditionalists (the ones some like to call "sexists" implying a heavy moral accusation)  would not place their heroines in physical altercation if they could avoid it, and if they had to then the lady villain would be fighting with a good girl. Feminists today do love to put "strong women" in body fights_ specially_ against men, and the fictional convention is than women are not as good fighters as men, but far better than them.      

  Until that conversation I had never considered the possibility that this repeated image could distort the perception of reality of adults.  Children is one thing, when you have 10 you can play Dungeons and Dragons and question yourself is would me possible to actually kill someone with a hammer "maybe one need a blade", all right, no problem. Eventually you find the News, make the basic Math, and reach the one and only possible answer for that conundrum.  

   Is as possible to kill someone with a hammer as it it to kill someone with a knife, and our specie has being proving both possibilities since hammers and knifes became available. 

   Women are, in general, far worse in corporal fights than men. Biological species do not evolve to fit abstract  ideal, such as gender equality, "women can do everything as good as men, or better" only became a plausible fantasy recently. Up to Modern Age men  had to be the ones fighting, liking it or not, because women could not replace them in war any more than men can replace women in pregnancy. 

   That separation of tasks was a matter of survival. As a matter of fact  now_ in part_ the need for corporal fights is in the past and the separation can be abandoned. But neither men became fragile as crystal in the last 30 years nor women are now made of steel. 

   By the way, I almost forgot the point but, yes:  a hard kick between  the legs has a fair chance to put a Sonja Warrior out of combat as fast as it would do the same for your average Conan).    

Monday, January 7, 2019

    Who is Up There ?

    _Look! See that woman up there?  Don't you recognizes her, Teddy Bear?
    _Not really Katy, do I know her?
    _I believe so, yes, we both do.  Remember the time when we first saw each other?
    _The dance classes on Bergen, three years before the vortex catch us. Of course I remember! What about...?
     _ ONE!! TWO! Now stop, THREE!! Jump four, FASTER!!!!!

     _You mean..., NO, you think? Look like, a little bit, but I don't believe. Can't be her, here on Sharitarn, or can it?

     _C'mon  Roci !  I had went to her self defense classes during two years when we met, three times a week. Besides, she used to date my cousin in the military academy. Trust me: is her.

    _What's her name?

    _Even after all that time on Sharitarn, you still avoid to make me jealous; that's a sweet gesture, Teddy Bear! But you had a huge crush on her, everyone could see that;  and because of that, knowing you, I am sure you do remember her name: Boudica. Well, that will probably not be her name for much longer! If I am not mistaken she will be sold today for the first time, as a untrained slave who does not speak the Merchant Language. Probably to be used as cargo beast, by some Peasant Caste dude.

    _ She looks really frighten. Like someone who just felt from the Vortex.

    _  Who know's what sort of name her first master will put on her? Maybe something like "Honey Pot" or "Goldilocks".

    _You think we should....? Boudica? That's up to you, Rocinante. Keep one spoiled ii lady as a free woman is already a heavy burden on your modest budget of Warrior Caste of this small city. Besides, she has a very "strong personality"! She will sure transform all her frustration and fear into rage and throw it on everybody she sees around_ but mostly on you_ as often as she can.  On Earth Boudica already blamed men like you for all sorts of imaginary offenses and humiliations, even more than the average for women on Earth. Imagine how worse it would be here!

   _You just made very a solid argument, indeed.

   _On the other hand, most Warriors about as successful as you do have at least three slavegirls to do the minor tasks in their houses. I am not complaining, I sure can take care of that myself. And since I have little chance to ever get myself a Caste or a citizenship will remain safer for me to stay home as much as possible when you are working. The domestic tasks give me something to do, what is better than stay alone doing nothing. Still, have someone to talk with would not be terrible from my point o view.

   _But you just said that she will probably attack anyone she sees like a mad tarn, as often as she can! "Strong personality", remember?

   _ You are really cute, Roci. However, there is no need to pretend you don't understand my suggestion. All you need to do is to buy Boudica as a slave and keep her as such. You want that bitch, she would be lucky to find herself sleeping locked in the cage behind our kitchen instead of chained in some cattle shed. At same time, I would have someone to make me company when you must travel.

    _Keep her as a slave? But she is a martial artist, and former military pilot.

    _So what? I don't intend to fight her, not even would risk to tame her by myself ! After you have the woman branded and locked in your collar she will be defenseless enough to learn that her place in the house is at your feet. You told me how local men do that, how they reduce "strong females" to tamed slave cunts and  teach them to obey, implicitly, every command given by the master. The work would be yours but I can help by keep her head down and her humor tractable when you are not present, if you leave Boudica's arms and legs locked by short chains and give me your permission to whip her at my on discretion. 

  _But, what about us? You are suggesting that I keep a slave, who is a attractive woman. Not to mention, as you reminded me, a woman who I used to desire and never had chance to touch. We are no longer a couple?

 _Teddy Bear! Of course we are a couple, for as long as you choose to protect me. Honestly, I would remain your free companion even if I had alternative that wasn't either slavery or suicide.

  _Thanks, ...I guess.

  _That said: you don't think I am naive enough to suppose that you don't have good fun with the slavegirls available on pubs and motels everywhere on that planet.  Do you? Would be very sad for me to find out that your opinion  about my intelligence is that low, after we share so many  experiences.   



Sunday, January 6, 2019

Lucky Girls

 _ You both are very lucky! Exceptionally I don't have time to take care of two defiant lassies yet not broken into slavery, because I must travel fast. That's what I will do: the first one who manifest interest, right now, get to die a honorable death as free woman! By my honor: it will be fast, and painless...     
     The offer is valid just for one of you. The other I will lock in my collar and carry with me, in chains, to warm my bed and please my whims until I decide to sell her. So, which one of you will to take the deal, and escape the humiliation of being branded slave? 

      Think fast, girls! As I mentioned I don't have time to wait.

      Just give me a sign. No one?