Tuesday, July 10, 2018

(The big one is my final idea so far. Below that, my first version, and me attempts to adapt the image in order to make it  harmless for deviant art aduts. )


   Acording to the legend, Shadao  felt on the Cave of Mirrors, and spent 9 days inside it before she accept  the proposition of  free companionship made by Toorsh. Twin sister and free companion of Toorsh, the legendary founder and king of Toorgesh, she is sacret for all citzens of Toorgesh.

   To honor Shadao, every year the young girls of Toorgesh leave their homes. They go to the streets naked, except for a mask that covers their heads telling only the mouth out and a belt to hide their navels (show the belly button in public is considered obcene for free women even during the Shadaovan).

    The free girls walk their city without destiny during 9 days, naked like Shadao was inside the cave: Shadao passed her time in the Cave of Mirrors having sex with her countless images, the girls do the same with each other.  They dance, get drunk, smoke hallucinogens, and have sex, all over the city. The streets, parks and high bridges welcome them. Every high caste family contributes with food, libations, traditionas herbs for the girl’s pipes ; they also open their private gardens for the girls durind the celebration. Every direction you look there is girls having sex with each other to honor Shadao, showing their national pride and patriotism.

   During the month before the festival outsiders are warnet to leave. Those who stay inside Toorgesh must remain inside the place here they are housed and avoid the windows.  If someone notice their presence  they can, an will, be killed for being inside the city during the 9 days of Shadaovan.

   No Toorgeshin man  touches the naked women. To the local boys the fun is try to recognize the ladies they know behind the bataclavas.

   The Shadaovan is sacret for all Toorgesh, the woman are save as long they follow it’s rules: never take of the mask and never show their navels.  On the other hand, any woman who is found outside their family home after the end of the celebration, will be captured and slaved by the first man who wishes to do so: that is sacret too.  

   Every year hundreds of women who lost conscience during the last and more wild night of celebration are found on the streets, parks, public and private gardens, high bridges. Some are sleeping, some are walking but too drunks to find their way home, some never noticed that was the last night. The men of Toorgesh starts their harvest a little before the sun rise, by nightfall some will still find the gifts left to them by Shadao.   

  Toorgeshin is a large city located on a "magical scar" (a place were the Xar was poisoned, making  magic impossible) on the planet Sharitarn. Sharitarn is the place were my story The Traveller takt place. 

  You find The Traveller (and short stories like that one) at:    deviantart.com/brancorvo

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