Friday, December 6, 2019

So Terrible

Not Enough

_Allow me to say in advance: it must seem really stupid to you, and I cannot say that you are entirely wrong.

     Still, for the sake of justice let me add one factor here. Must be extremely hard for a man from a planet where no one depends on thing like swords and warhammers to survive to became a proper Warrior Caste anywhere on Sharitarn. Even harder to do that on the Elven City, where most citizens have two centuries to learn how to be adults and I can't even imagine how many years to sharp their fight skills. He did that, he achieved a position among the ten best fighters of Erevy.

     In the middle of that, one can be excused for not pay attention to other matters. Small things, like the fact that be the strongest fighter isn't always enough to win.

    That day, when a mercenary furtively took his Noble Caste elven free-companion, he realized that   
     Jean Felipe could have chased the thief, wasn't for the circumstances. His adoptive family was involved in a dispute against other nobles for the rights of exploration of some mines and they had to keep lawless bands under control to not loose this. The involuntary immigrant could not leave his human soldiers without a leader, even the lady's  father insisted on that! Both men had to swallow the pride for the sake of their honor, and allow the hunter the time he needed to carry his prey away and brand her into slavery.

   _You make a good case in defense of this Earthling fellow. I ask myself if he would recognize that effort, if he was here. Considering that you are the one who took his beloved free-companion from him to make her your pleasure slavegirl.

  _If anything, I think he should thank me for the illuminating lesson about our world.   

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


     "I have not lost the ability of identify ironies. Things are not that simple, they don't call us involuntary immigrants here on Planet Sharitarn just because we came from other Universe against our will. We also have to adapt ourselves here, take new habits and accept facts we don't like. You may feel that is horse shit, that you would change the World instead  of being changed by it. I believed that myself, until I realize that what I wanted to change most are so deeply rooted in this people's hearts that nothing less that kill them all would work.

     You try kill the population of an entire planet with your bare hands, I which you success. Suicide is a good option, I came close to that before find a mentor and friend. A native, a Hunter Caste who mostly works as slaver.

     Well, despair is the mother of tolerance. On Sharitarn slavery is legal, and human females are considered to be natural slaves sometimes kept free by regrettable social necessities. Being from Planet Earth, born in 2105, my education was severely emphatic in the supposition according to which  slavery is evil and women are superior to men in all regards: especially in their rights to freedom and self affirmation.

     I could not force myself to abandon my convictions, Earthling moral convictions. Still can't do that entirely.

     Notwithstanding my life here is as a slaver, a hunter to be specific. We look for free women that we can capture and slave, to sell on the market. The market has little interest for males, at least human males. The locals say that almost all intelligent species of mammals are male dominant, and  slave those males is as regrettable for them as let their females stay free. Therefore we mostly slave Ladies, and the irony I mentioned came from that.

     Being unable to force myself to slave women from human race I specialized myself in women from other talking races. Who are much like myself involuntary immigrants, because the only native intelligent  specie of this planet is Sharitarn native  humanity. 

     Is not hard to target non humans around here. My adoptive nation is Erevy, not a human city. The nation and its surroundings are controlled by what Earthlings such as myself can only call elves. "                     

Friday, November 8, 2019

Beach (process)


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why the Fuss ?

   _Why the surprise master? You just said that you wanted to see your property.

   _I was Joking, Cybele !! Besides, you, we, we are in the middle of street! There is children passing, for holly sake!         

   _They are used to see street animals and domestic slaves naked on the streets. fucking even. Nobody cares, Lucien.

   _If nobody cares, then WHY every body is looking at you?!?

    _They aren't looking at me, master. Owners command their slaves to get naked all the time, sometimes to whip us for some displeasing behavior without damage the clothes.

     _Yes, they ARE looking at you! 
       _Sorry, Lucien: they are not looking at me. You can ask yourself if we find someone who speaks our language. They are just curious about the scandal you are making for no apparent reason...     

Tuesday, October 29, 2019




   _Your Earthling free companion will have to find us first, mistress ! We have the keys to leave the house, the clothes we need to leave the city without being caught. When  will be the first ones to leave the city tomorrow, as soon as the gates open. Unfortunately we can't risk to take you with us, would be great to teach you your place at the feet of my free companion!! 

   _Your think he will free you?? There is no free woman among the lawless men ! 

    _Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. Any way, if come to that I prefer to be his slave on the wilds than yours inside this house.  

    _Let me alone! Convince him to go back to his cage, and beg for my forgiveness! You two will never leave the city, the guard will notice the slave collars. 

     _Oh, but we will leave the city! We have most the evening and all the night to make you tell us where are the keys for these collars.    

Friday, September 27, 2019

Mementos from Planet Earth

 (Minutes lather)

_Would you like to be free to give yourself orgasms again, Ninieve ? As you used to be on Earth when we lived up there.
_I try not to think about that, master.
_Why is that?
_ Because you do like far too much to exercise your control over my pussy to give me back the power to cum whenever I please.
_I don't disagree. Of course, more than that is still involved. What I like the most in that situation is the effect it has on you, not just during sex but all the time.
_You became pretty soft and obedient, since the conditioning treatment to only have orgasms under authorization.
_I suppose that's true. Just the fear of your whip would not motivate me to jump and obey your every desire fast enough. I need to be kept in agony, horny as a pussycat in breeding time, craving and hoping for your touch... TWENTY FOUR SEVEN !!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Doing Things Whit Words

  _It is still rape, you know. Doesn't matter how many times I say your name!  

Saturday, May 11, 2019

   _Hey, Mellany. I want talk to you for a moment.
   _Now? I am kind of busy Sindy. 
   _Will not take long, but is a bit urgent, I need your assistance help me to solve a question.
    _How can I help you? What's the question ?
    _Came in, let's talk into my room.

     _HEY !! What are you thinking, Sindy ?
     _Shut up now!  My question is that: "why my dear brother brought cookies if he does not has the guts to force the jar open?
      _ You can't do that, stop. Let me go, or I will cry !
      _Go ahead! There is two sentinels nearby, I can call them if you want. On the other hand, of course, my brother is travelling outside the city and I am the one in charge. You are sure that you want to bet in your authority against mine ?
      _Then stop this nonsense right away. Yes, like that; you will melt in my mouth like a fluffy cookie or I will call the guards to help me to open this hot pot. I think I will call you Fluffy Cookie from now on, sweet.     

       _Don't do that, leave me alone now and I don't tell any of that. Kaito will kill you if he find out that you tried to treat me like a slave!
       _How cute! You are already worried for your mistress's safety, Cookie. No need to, my brother will be pissed of that's evident, but there is nothing he can do. I am his sister, after all. He will threaten me and brake unimportant trinkets, but he will see that what is done is done.
          And after he calm down Kaito will see that I am giving back to him a woman far better than the one he left behind in my hands.
         _I am not in your hands, ...aH!
         _I beg to differ, Fluffy Cookie.
         _That not, what I minded .

           _You are my brother's slavegirl, "Mellany", have been since my brother paid that slave hunter to "free you". You just don't know that, yet.
           I waited six months, to see how long would take for my brother teach you your place here. Since he has not showed sign of disposition to do so, my patience ended. Now shush! 
           _But I am no longer fighting, Sindy. Why do you have to bind my arms?           

  _Mistress, is true?

  _I should say that curiosity is not a good quality in slaves Mara. However, given the circumstances I will tell what you all want to know: is true. We do have a new master since our former owner has lost the house and everything inside in a bet, we are included of course.  Also: our new master told me that he intend to keep only three slavegirls, the rest will be taken to the market and sold.

   _Are you included in this three, or your case is to be decided apart of ours  mistress?

   _He didn't mentioned Elsa, therefore I din't asked, evidently. The new master probably has a first slave already, if he does the most likely is for me to be sold in the same auction by the side of most of you. However, that's mere speculation.  What I can tell for certain is that you should make yourself beautiful to welcome our new owner, and be in your best behavior in front of him, if you want to have a chance to avoid the risks of go back to market: I will do that myself.   

Thursday, May 2, 2019


 _I'm not a rebellious cunt, master. I wish to make you proud, that's the only important thing in my life. But I was breed on a slave-farm, born to be a premium slave-fighter girl! You know that: "the highest percentage of giant blood allowed by the league" chanted the Merchant who sold me "daughter of Mirag the Red Hermaphrodite, most famous slave-fighter in his generation", he said, you where there master !  I am good to nothing else, I'm afraid. 

   _You are mistaken, girl. You belong to me now, and you will be good to serve me as any kind of slave I want you to be. What I want you to be is a pleasure slave: that is what you are from now on: because I am saying so. 

    According to Altair's opinion the most cruel aspect of slavery is the slave-farm institution. They are relatively rare, most slaves either are born from slave-girls working in more normal contexts or have been free women once captured and slaved, but there is a small number of specialized institutions dedicated to breed slaves for specific purposes. Some farms sell those slaves for Training Houses when they reach 2 year others make the training themselves, but in all cases this slaves are a exception for the predominant rule that says that "children are children". For most practical purposes a 6 years old slave still live the same life the 6 years old free child nearby, except for the slave children breed on slave-farms. 

    When Shirshan faced it's Misfortune Day the value of fight slavegirls felt to a endless abyss, leaving numerous slavers in desperation. That situation give some dimension to Altair's words about the overspecialization of slaves. 

    Shirshan had been obsessed by female slave-fighters for thousand years. It was the only place on the surface of Sharitarn where this sport was not a eventual eccentricity but a public passion. Not even the citizens of Dradinu, know by their love for non magical combats both with and without weapons, shared the interest for fighting slavegirls manifested by the citizens of Green Poison. From day to night, so to speak, the slavegirls born to be fighters became impossible to sell. 

    The slave merchants who had this sort of expensive product in stock needed to cut their losses. Most decided to sell the girls for Peasant Castes, for heavy labor. To our friend here on the other hand, who was luck enough to have only one prize slave-fighter girl on his hands, occurred a different idea. 

    Instead of pass the girl on to the first buyer for a few penny he decided to keep her for himself.  

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Please Let me Go

   I'm not sure it that's extremely rare or more or less common, but I noticed that a "YES, YES" scene never catches my attention as much as a "please..., stop, don't, ple... no ! Let me gooo"   scene. Curiously, that remain true, even when the first is hard core porn and the second mild 'eroticism' (and, cetiris paribus I certainly like porn far more than I like eroticism). 

  Possibly the preference is a matter of generation. As far as I can remember the    "please..., stop, don't, ple... no ! Let me gooo" used to be far more common and the alternative favored by contemporaneity far less so. If that's a matter of demand them people's taste just changed, what is to be expected in matters of taste. 

  On the other hand I suspect that people's taste may not have changed that much, and maybe the offer changed by itself, in this case, with no concern for the demand. A organised_ totalitarian_ movement of censorship and indoctrination could be the main responsible for the "reform" of fiction in this particular direction. The stronger reason for this suspect (beyond the fact that the totalitarian movement actually exists as the hegemonic force in many influential fields)  raised by me is that porn (and it's mildest shadow) is a classification of  fiction, or to use other world a kind of "story". 

 One universal thing about stories is that to catch attention they must involve conflict. Does not matter if it is a 10 seconds scene about birds or a Mega-series composed by 100.000 comic books, something must be at stake. Even when we know that only one result is possible, because the gender conventions demand it (seduction will happen and end in intercourse, the heroes will defeat the villains and save the 'world as we know it', etc)  in some frame of suspended disbelieve we must doubt the conventions and see the possibility of surprise. Without that you have a German Art Movie, designed to bore the spectator up to the point when he feel superior to common mortals just for the fact that he "understands" this elevated, and esoteric, Language.                          

  If, as I tend to believe, porn stories are still stories, the ¨YES, YES" scenes have more in common with German Art Movies than they have with commercial cinema. And as far as I can tell the public taste here in Brasil didn't changed enough to prefer the first over the second, yet.