Saturday, May 11, 2019

  _Mistress, is true?

  _I should say that curiosity is not a good quality in slaves Mara. However, given the circumstances I will tell what you all want to know: is true. We do have a new master since our former owner has lost the house and everything inside in a bet, we are included of course.  Also: our new master told me that he intend to keep only three slavegirls, the rest will be taken to the market and sold.

   _Are you included in this three, or your case is to be decided apart of ours  mistress?

   _He didn't mentioned Elsa, therefore I din't asked, evidently. The new master probably has a first slave already, if he does the most likely is for me to be sold in the same auction by the side of most of you. However, that's mere speculation.  What I can tell for certain is that you should make yourself beautiful to welcome our new owner, and be in your best behavior in front of him, if you want to have a chance to avoid the risks of go back to market: I will do that myself.   

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