Tuesday, April 3, 2018


A Note for Myself 

    Once your fictional World is stablished, once the basic premisses of it are in place, the characters more or less clear in your mind, stop for a momment.

    Before you write, every time you do that, consider that: your fictional World is fictional to you, but not for your characters. For your characters that is the one and only real World. Does not matter the gender: comedy, porn, adventure, etc. Once the premisses you gave to your fictional World are in place follow the consequences, and keep in mind that people born and raised on this World will base their decisions and concepts not on our real World but in their real World.

    Consider that scene: the President of United States and the President of Russia are talking inside a room, they are making a serious effort to avoid World War III which if happen will be the last one. Somewere outside the room there is a sniper with his rifle looking by the telescopic mire, waiting to shoot the US President in the head. (just to avoid unnecessary noise let's say it's not D. Trump, let's say it is the first President elected after Trump's second term: no matter who is the person) 

   If the sniper achieve his goal not only one chief of state will die, but probably every one else will die a few days after that. You know all that, and not only you know all that but you also are a US army officer. You have a clear shot, impossible to miss and your chief of state may leave the room at any time.  Given all that you would:

  1. Allow the sniper's Russian friend to talk, trying to convince his fellow to give up for as long as necessary. Even if that means the sniper will have his chance to kill the President and start WW III, you must respect his right and trust your enemie to build a better world (despite the fact that you actually do not trust your enemie, and for fair reasons.  For instance: by now they have killled many of your friends and parents, your people have killed many amoung them as well)

 2. Disarm the sniper at any cost, killing him if necessary, as fast as possible, before even blink.

   I saw that scene not long ago on Netflix.

   Of course: the President of US was a tribal king, the army officer was a important warrior commander loyal to him, the room was a cave, but the extinction of human kind was still the extinction of human kind.  The Russians, by the way, were the leading characters in the story. 

    The character followed option 1.

    All that was a cheap way to create a opportunity for a speech, after that speech the sniper give up and do not kill anyone. But before that he get chance, while his friend talks and the lady with a  bow and arrow do nothing. Even if the speech was original and intelligent (it is neither) that scene would still be an insult to anyone seem it. The kind of insult I hope never make writing a story. 

    If you have nations, tribal, national, or any other, and your nations have chiefs, then probably people will take the attempts to assassinate their national chiefs about as serious as US military takes the attempts of assassination against US President. Will possibly exist circunstances when, by the rules of this nation, one can or even is supposed to try to kill the head of State, that will not be assassination, but except under such circunstances one would take seriously the subject.

    Forget the national element. Would a mere cop anywere choose to stop and talk to a sniper anywere, allowing him to aim nameless people walking on street, holping he can convince to fellow to not kill anyone? What kind cop would do that, if is possible to stop the sniper by force, disarm him, and let the talk for when no one is in risk to be killed by a shot?         

    I do not care if the tribal warrior king lives or dies, in his fictional World. To me he is only a fictional character. However, to some warrior near to him, inside the same fictional World, his survival has more meaning than the death of some real John doe can have for any real cop on real World.

  Almost any group will care more about the survival of their own members than they care about the survival of outsiders. Even allies, to not even mention enemies. Is always possible to make a group which does not fall under that general trend, but do takes some explanation, and brings some problems. No one will consider other tribe as more important, and respect the freedom of choice  (shoot or not shoot) of any member of this tribe more than the life of just any person in his own tribe; at least not just because the other tribe is the tribe were the leading characters are. 


  Once your fictional World is in place, and you have the basic premisses of it, be consistent. Respect the logic consequences born from the rules chosen by you at the beggining. Find your story inside it, because that is the only way to respect the people following your fiction.


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