Tuesday, December 18, 2018


  "  ...Close the deal, fast !! Do so before this fat beast notice that we know each other, or he may raise the price to more than you can pay."    

That one could be on Sharitarn (my own fictional scenarion), or on Gor (John Norman's). or on several other fictional Universes more or less inspired on Gor. 
   Is a 'generic' panel, so to speak.   

Sunday, October 28, 2018

   _Thank you forrr letting me watch, masterrrrr !   
    _He is not doing you any favor, you stupid puss !!!! You're just waiting your turn!

     _Oh, but I know that Scorrpia.  Trrrrrrust me: I can live with that.            

Sunday, October 21, 2018

   Trap Jaw _ That's great! Believe or not I have been dreaming with a Mother and Daughter action since I played Mysteria Lane in the SelectaCorp site for the first time.

   (Thinking balloons)

   Teela                        :"... MOTHER ?? "

   Queen Marlena       :"... DAUGHTER??" 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Saturday, October 6, 2018


      This time I decided to make some fan art, to take a rest from my own fictional scenario (Staritarn). 

      Recently Trap Jaw found a new brain device, in the ruins of a long lost alien race, and installed it in his own head without know what would happen. It made him extremely intelligent, and gave him access to superior technology, immune to magic. Skeleton and He Man are now statues of stone. 

     _How dare you, humiliate me like that !!? 

      _Magic is over, Evil Lyn. That's a new time of reason and enlightenment. Accordingly, I see no reason to do not celebrate the new Era enlightening you both with my electric arm .     

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

                         You See My Love? 

   When Sandro_ a ii from Florianópolis, Earth_ came back to his home on Alkalandre in planet  Sharitarn his free companion gave he a kiss and told he that she had a surprise for him.

    There was something strange between Nrivrishy, his free companion, and Magda. Magda was a old friend of Sandro, she was brought from Earth with him by the vortex and Sandro always protected her to the slavers. Nrivrishy and Magda never got along, but Sandro needed to make that travel and it wasn't supposed to take more than two days. In the end the bandits kept the caravan he was protecting as mercenary in a hard situation for almost three weeks and Sandro had several hard fights for his life before he could reach the walls of Alkalandre again.

   He kind expected problems, but after the first odd impression Magda smiled to him and the Alchemist dismissed the concerns.

    That same day, a little before sunset, Nirishy looked for her free companion while he was outside, taking care of his garden.


   _May we talk, San?

   _I am in the middle of something now, Sweet. Can that wait ?

   _Sure, take your time. Can I make you company while you work your art?

   _Only if you help me. _he smiled.

    The couple stayed in their garden, the lady of the house had little interest for plants until the moment when they are ready to be eaten but she liked to share time with his free companion and he loved that sort of thing.                                  

    _Lets go, Niv. That's enough for today. What you want to talk about?

    _To be exact, I have to show it to you. Can wait trough, we need a bath, don't you think?


     _That can wait. I am curious, you know. To clean face and hands in the fountain will suffice for me.     

     _ Wall right then, I will take you example.


     Inside the house Nivrishy took the corridor that leads to Magda's room. Sandro considered it strange, but had no time to ask about because his free companion opened the heavy door without knock.

    The scene inside took the ii's words and breath at once.

    _You promised !! No one should ever know, specially not him...! _exclaimed Sandro's friend, wide-eyed.

      Magda squirmed, trying to escape the iron bar were her neck, pulses and ankles were locked. She stayed on the ground, perfectly imprisoned by the device.

    _You shut up, bitch!

    _...but you ... _continued Magda, but hed voice died as the other women moved on her direction.

   To Sandro's surprise the woman from Earth stopped the fight when Nrivrishy touched casually on her foot.

     The lady of the house  walked around her guest, and sit behind her. The she forced Magda’s head up, holding the prisonerby the hair  with one hand.
    The defenceless woman locked in the iron bar looked at her mistress in panic. Then her eyes moved, fast, between the faces looking at her. Sandro had not moved from the door and still has with one foot outside the room.

    Magda blushed when she saw a erection building itself between her friend’s legs. She closed her eyes, feeling the other woman’s hand going down on her belly to reach the pussy.

    _You see my love? You treat your “friend from earth” with respect and generosity, and she makes a public scandal every time you two disagree about something.
     All I had to do was be harsh with her and have her beat a couple of times, and now she de everything to please me. Even lock herself in that device when to command, to wait for me.
     _He can’t, don’t ! Please...misstr, ah nn,...no.  Sandro, leave uAIh !!!
      Nrivrishy had given a nasty pinch to the other women’s exposed clitoris. Then sweetly whispered to her, just loud enough to be also heard by Sandro.

    _Shut up, Honey Pot. The master of this house is thinking.

    His free companion’s finguers caressed Magda’s chubby pussy slowly, his friend didn’t moved anymore, save for a small tremor on the legs that grew in intensity each time the other woman’s hand moved in the direction of the uncovered navel.

    _Listen your free companion, my love. Allow me to call the ironworker tomorrow morning, let’s have that cunt branded before lunch! Rape her mind out, then teach her to please you as a slavegirl must. Make her understand that she is yours, and you are her master Sandro.
     Everybody in this house will be happier if you do that. Specially you.             

Friday, September 14, 2018

Gladiatorial City

  Dradinu, know as the Gladiatorial City, is a small city builded in the Continent at north of the Sorowfull River by human iis (involuntary immigrants) who came to Sharitarn before the time when Earth became the planet affected by the vortex. Even before the forest people’s home planet be the one touched by the intercosmic phenomenon.

    The original citizens of Dradinu used the last remains of a old wall builded by a long lost empire to place their city in high and solid ground. By the time when Draninu was founded it was in the border of a Xar scar, beyond the reach of magic. A few centuries after that the land healed and magic became once more available, but when that happened the Gladiatorial City was already well organized and well armed enough to survive the inevitable changes.

      The Dradi’s original planet, Naar, is a place were all mammals and most other animals are  hermafrodites. Each person up there is both male and female, and their descendants naturally keep that characteristic. In general they are tall and strong, with small breasts and no beard, have blond hair and brown skin.  

    Only a few Dradi are born with one sex, either male or female; in their peoples’s home planet they would be considered carriers of a genetic disease and sterilized as newborns. Both male and female people were treated with pity and condescension by their societies. In Sharitarn the male Dradi are normally sent to friendly nations as diplomats, or enter merchant caravans, since they have little chance to find a place in their home land. Female Dradis have a hard time in their city as well, but leave in obviously more complicated for them.

    Naar has no magic, like the people of Sharitarn understand it. They may have a little more ostensive magic than Earth or  the forest people’s home planet, but their tales about that can easly be just fantasy.

  As for tecnology the last people who came from the vortex from up there described developments about as advanced as the ones know by the humanity on Earth in 2095. Clean energy beyond the possibilities of use for it, a global net of public transport fast and confortable. Is impossible to know what has hapenned on Naar since that time; the subject is a classic theme for literature and other arts on Dradinu, some paint extremelly positive scenarios, others terrible nightmares.

   Despite their advanced medicine and their even more advanced farming sciences the people on Naar don’t know the populational catastrophic situation endured by humanity on Earth. They have the popularity of violent sports to thank for their confortable populational stability.
  The same deadly entertainment, practiced more or less of then by every normal person on Naar, gave them a chance to gain freedom and conquer a land to build their city. Luck and good choices made that chance flourish.

   Unlike the natives of Earth the people on Naar had little to no unemployment. On most planet they adopted a caste system not very diferent to the one they found (and we still see) on civilized places of Sharitarn. By that system individuals unable to find a activity useful for society never survived more than a year.

   One important diference between Naar and Sharitarn is that in Dradi’s home planet by the time the vortex still touched it there was no slavery. That’s one thing the founders of Dradinu adapted to in order to build a viable home in their new planet. Even today they have fewer circunstances were a citizen can be slaved than any other human city in the Continent, on the other hand is almost impossible to anyone from other nation became a permanent resident on Dradinu (let’s not even mention earrn citzenship).

    On Dradinu there is no Magical University,  just a few Sigrax Houses. The sigraxes in the city are generalists, not by option but because they have no one to teach them a magical Way. That lack of tradition is a problem they could not yet solve, and to make it harder most high caste citizens still feel that less as a problem they should solve and more as a national pride to brag about.

    The warriors of Dradinu contrast with their sigraxes in reputation, their excellence is legendary. Since the art of war is very similar  to the favorite national sport, practiced by all Dradi, the Warrior Caste in the city must work harder than normal to earn his place: it does that, and a bit more. Their grey archers, who amput one breast, are the most respected amoung the enemy warriors; some call then “almost magic” as a way to say that their arrows are the more deadly weapon in the hands of humans, magic excluded. The infantary fights with black shields and black sword, their iron will and discipline is almost as admired as the grey archer’s aim.

    Dradi captured and slaved almost earn their freedom back in exchange for military service, or die in sand circles playing their national sport surrounded by a ring of avid fans.

    As masters the Dradi are not as well reputed as they are as Warriors and fighter slaves. “The chains are light on Dradinu” is a popular saying in both sides of the Sorrowfull, used even by people unable to point the Gladiatorial City on a map. Supposedly the Dradi are lenient with their slaves, both male and female, but that’s a overgeneralization.   

   The citizens of Dradinu are also reputed as hedonists who live the moment and extract every single drop of sensual pleasure they can squeeze from their short and violent lifes. That generalization is somewhat more precise than the one about their lenience with slaves.                   



Monday, July 30, 2018

  In a Hurry

   When Osdornor defeated the forces of Midraal several free women from the vanquished State City left their homes. The ladies left their slaves locked inside their cages, to avoid the unfair competition. They walked the streets, looking for any military commander from Osdonor to offer their necks. 

    That's a common occurrence, to be expected every time a civilized city is invaded by some civilized foe. The smarter ladies know they must hurry, they have only a few ours to find their way to a collar. 

    The female citizens left behind after the commanders finish their inspection will be in the hands of soldiers. The luckier one will be captured by a civilized warrior or sigrax. Mercenaries are usually among the enemy forces, some of them lawless men from nowhere, they are feared for the defenseless ladies. Even more feared than the lawless are the wild men, also part of most mercenary armies: one on each five warriors fighting for Osdornor was a wild mercenary, a man from a nomadic tribe, a barbaric savage. 

   There is masters even worse than barbaric and savage humans. Not all wars involve such soldiers, but they are far from rare. Intelligent non humans, such as the lizard people and the gaars, who have no sexual interest for human slaves. Instead, they value humans_ both male and female_ as meat. Even the nutritive value being too small for the trouble such wild non humans insist on take the part of the slave spoils they have earned: humans are the most powerful specie on the planet Sharitarn (despite the fact that individually most humans prove to be far weaker than the regular member of many other species) and to many non human cultures that's enough to make humans a important traditional meal. 

  Only a  few dozen lizard men had been fighting for Osdornor as mercenaries, but know about their existence was enough to make even the proudest High Caste lady on Midraal consider the humiliation to be beg for a soldier's slave collar less distasteful.                 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

  About That Coffee ?

  That story (or the story to be developed from the basic idea here)  has something to do with Sharitarn, the fictional world where The Traveller take place. Here you see the vortex, natural phenomenon which takes people from many other Universes and leaves them on the planet Sharitarn. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

  _Are you sure, Arquimedes ? She really is the free woman, Mage Caste Lady, who is pretending to be a slavegirl ??  Some parts of her seem to be a bit too good in pretending.

   _You know I am sure, Sheera.  The divination spell ...

   _All right, all right ! I was just joking, no need to be defensive about it Quim. You what to do what now?

   _What you mean?

   _You found the woman, you kept her distracted. Following your plan I sneaked behind her and  locked this antimagic collar around her neck. Now the sigrax puppy is defenseless, we escaped the warriors who were supposed to protect her, and are close to take her away from her nation. That's why I ask: what you want  to do?

   _We must take her to the castle. You know the plan !!

   _Yes, but: are you sure ? I mean, don't you prefer to let the lady go? Look how scared she is! Isn't too cruel what we are doing? Maybe if you free her now, and ask nicely,  her brother's soldiers will let your friends go instead of impale them.

  _I don't think... . You are having fun at my expenses, aren't you?

  _What if I am ??

  _You know, I could punish you anyway I please.

  _Of course, true. Albeit that, we both know you will not. Because if you had the inclination to actually whip me for vex you on purpose, a little bit, then my job with you would be half done already! The power to do something means nothing when to likelihood of that power be exercised is too low to deserve consideration, Quim.   

   _Arquimedes, if you must use a shorter name call me Ar!  Not 'Quim'.

   _I don't think so 'Ar', I like Quim better. Besides, you do look like a Quim.     


Monday, July 23, 2018

 _I need you to trust me on that, master.
 _It's nice to leave town a little but, but I keep catching myself waiting for a trap all the time. I know the professor asked me to listen to you, but am not sure about what he expect from me! Besides, if be a slavegirl mean you must obey me, let me give you a command: stop calling me "master"! My name is Arquimedes, Sheera.

_As you wish, Arquimedes.  Professor Soldoni belive you can be a important mage for your city in the future, I believe. However, to make that possible you need to survive on Sharitarn, and to do so  long enough to be a useful citizen you must learn to deal with the culture on your city, and on this planet.         
 _This is some sort of educational excursion, then? 
 _That does not look good. What kind of place is that? 
 _That's a place used by nomadic caravans to sell their recently captured women. Two medium-sized cities nearby had been in war. The nomad tribes fought as mercenary for both and, as usual, they received part of their payment in captured free women just hours ago. They will sell some of them here.

_You what me to buy a slave?? I told you, already, Sheera. I don't feel comfortable with all that story of slavery!  This is it, I'm leaving.   

_No one expects you to buy a slave here, maa-Arquimedes. You don't have to OWN slaves, ever. That's personal matter, my intention is... 
 _Wait for me! If you leave me behind around here I will be stolen. Since you care so much for o our feelings you should not allow that to happen: my life on your city is far better than anything waiting for me on a camp like that. I am a slavegirl myself, you know.

_I am sorry, Sheera.

_Don't be, mine is actually a good life. Is possible to have far worse fates as a free woman, or as a free man. I would not trade my life here for the one I had on Earth.

_You are a ii like me? I had understood that you were native of Sharitarn.

_Nope!  I am from Jerusalem: that place that was the capital of Israel back in the days when there was still sovereigns national States on Earth. Used to teach Cryptology at university up there. "Ester Maggid" used to be my my name before master changes it to Sheera.

 _All right, I will trust you. Let's see that big sale.

 _Thank you, Arquimedes.   
_You say that isn't all bad to be a slave girl. but those women does not look like happy people to me.

_Oh, I hope they aren't happy!! If they were I would have lost your time. The point for us here, today, is to show you women recently captured and about to be slaved by the will of men, completely against their will. Taking for my personal experience, and for other iis I met, the sexual slave nature of women remain a sort of dark comedy for us for as long as we can keep it like that. To actually build a normal life here you must understand it is not a joke. Four hour ago each one of them was a high caste lady, citizen of some respectable nation, they...

 _The did not want to be here, naked, about to be sold and branded like you have been.

 _No they don't want, not only that but they are not supposed to want any of that either. However, every single women here will learn that there is pleasures and sufferings in life for a slave, as much as there is both for free women. All of them already believe, as anyone does on Sharitarn, that all women are natural slaves! They just used to make an exception for themselves, and maybe their better lady friends: now they will give up all those exceptions.

_That feels like a hard first lesson, Ester. If I may say so myself !

_Don't worry, Arquimedes: I have a method here ! This course is all planed, nice and well. As I told you before: just trust me.