Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Please Let me Go

   I'm not sure it that's extremely rare or more or less common, but I noticed that a "YES, YES" scene never catches my attention as much as a "please..., stop, don't, ple... no ! Let me gooo"   scene. Curiously, that remain true, even when the first is hard core porn and the second mild 'eroticism' (and, cetiris paribus I certainly like porn far more than I like eroticism). 

  Possibly the preference is a matter of generation. As far as I can remember the    "please..., stop, don't, ple... no ! Let me gooo" used to be far more common and the alternative favored by contemporaneity far less so. If that's a matter of demand them people's taste just changed, what is to be expected in matters of taste. 

  On the other hand I suspect that people's taste may not have changed that much, and maybe the offer changed by itself, in this case, with no concern for the demand. A organised_ totalitarian_ movement of censorship and indoctrination could be the main responsible for the "reform" of fiction in this particular direction. The stronger reason for this suspect (beyond the fact that the totalitarian movement actually exists as the hegemonic force in many influential fields)  raised by me is that porn (and it's mildest shadow) is a classification of  fiction, or to use other world a kind of "story". 

 One universal thing about stories is that to catch attention they must involve conflict. Does not matter if it is a 10 seconds scene about birds or a Mega-series composed by 100.000 comic books, something must be at stake. Even when we know that only one result is possible, because the gender conventions demand it (seduction will happen and end in intercourse, the heroes will defeat the villains and save the 'world as we know it', etc)  in some frame of suspended disbelieve we must doubt the conventions and see the possibility of surprise. Without that you have a German Art Movie, designed to bore the spectator up to the point when he feel superior to common mortals just for the fact that he "understands" this elevated, and esoteric, Language.                          

  If, as I tend to believe, porn stories are still stories, the ¨YES, YES" scenes have more in common with German Art Movies than they have with commercial cinema. And as far as I can tell the public taste here in Brasil didn't changed enough to prefer the first over the second, yet.   

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Great Ass

      _That's a fucking hot piece of meat, don't you think ? Diane not only has a great ass, the bitch also know exactly how to use it to catch men's attention !

Friday, April 26, 2019

     Antigone _Wake up, you idiot!! Stop staring at me like a fucking pervert. You need to buy us before some local men do, is the only way to save us from being branded with hot iron and raped by this animals up to the end of time!      

        Selene  _What my sister means is that she has not yet been tamed, but she is anxious to learn her place as a slave at a master's feet!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

New Rules

    _ How I expected. Your "Ice Tigress" is not untouchable at all! This pussycat  play nice, when no choice is given to her!  Don't you Strawberry? 

    _ Ixephifzy, she is not a pleasure slave! Vriania is my mentor in the ways of alchemy, and warlock's secret arts. I keep her as slave professor, we have a deal...   

    _Sorry Albion, but as long as I remain your free companion some songs will play in a different tone inside your house. All slaver here will serve their masters in all things, and no compromise will be made in this: she will dress like a lady if you will, and stay in a guest room, and I will not insist in have her branded, because she is yours. Besides, you are the master of this house after all. However, I will not tolerate a slave with "rights", and I will thought her to obey without hesitation. 

      _She will never accept that! We have a deal...

       _By the way, about that deal,  Strawberry has something to say to you. 

       Don't you, Berry? 

    _I am sorry, master! I beg your forgiveness. Knowing that you are from Earth, and don't understand well the practices on this land I pretended to sell what is already yours. I made the bargain to keep my body untouchable to you hoping to seduce you and use the insinuations of sex as a weapon to gain influence over you, maybe even gain my freedom.

       In part I have been buying my privileges in this house with false coin, and as for the rest I only give you a small part of what is already yours. Everything I know, every secret I have swore  to keep, became yours by right of conquest when you captured the caravan where I was being transported by my former master.      

   _I don't understand. You are saying that there is no secret art of warlocks? You invented the exercises of alchemy? 

    _I am a alchemist, but I can not teach it. Only the Mage Universities in important cities, and the wild sigraxes can help someone in the process to awake the potential for magic: I can't even know for sure if you have it. If you do, and you awake it, I will be able to teach something about how to make magic potions and objects form the right ingredients. But as things are now, my lessons about alchemy are useless to your purposes. They served me as a tool to manipulate you. 

    _Don't be too harsh on Strawberry, my consort. She is a pretty erudite cupcake, too smart to her own good. Tell him about he warlocks, slave. 

    _This is real, it came from my family's home planet. We carry the power in our blood, and I do have knowledge about how to use some of this potential but the first merchant who brought me had it sealed. There is a magical key, but I don't know where or how to use it. The natural powers possessed by some lineages of my people are never as powerful as the magic controlled by sigraxes, it can be useful sometimes through. Does not matter, because it is inherited by birth and can't be transmitted.          
    _How did you, who told you, how. How did you found out that she was lying to me? 

    _I asked. 

    _You asked...?! 





Tuesday, April 23, 2019

New Model in the Market

   _No, I never saw anyone like her before. But I can't see why you think that's a reason for discount! If anything the exclusivity will give you a better price for her, when you reach a civilized market.   

Friday, April 19, 2019


     _You know you don't have to turn your back and look in other direction when I take my clothes of to take a bath, don't you? That's not your home planet, or mine, we may never see Earth an Mars again. Here I am just a slave, and free men like you can see my body as much as they want.   

Thursday, April 11, 2019

She Said

    Seeing former Lady Aurea with her master and owner, Gina and Venza (two other slavegirls on the same house, captured at same time) smiled cruelly. Possibly anticipating the jokes they would make at Aurea's expenses.       

    _Isn't that the one who said recently "I will never...!!"_ asked, rhetorically, Gina. 
     _She also said to him "You will never use that whip on me!!" and "You will not lock me on that cage" and after that "You can not leave me here, locked, to expend all night inside this cage!!!". 
      _Seems that a lot of things said by her after we felt from the vortex have been disproved by reality. 

      _That's a fact! 

      From a small distance, behind the two girls, Diomecina considered the conversation. Being first slave on the house, with whip privileges over the other slavegirls and the consequent obligation of discipline them, she wold have to correct that sort of behavior eventually. Was too soon for this two, to start learning that lesson. Let they be acid with each other from now, master may not like it entirely but even he understands the necessity of give the women time to process some changes. 

     When free women, from Earth of not, get the idea that they are defenseless and that they will submit, that they must obey everything their owner commands, then often  assume that will be only physical. He will be served, they will work in the kitchen and in the bed. 'He will be inside me as he pleases, fuck my pussy, my ass, my mouth, maybe force me to have babies for him" that's all, sure no man would ask for anything else. Why would him? 

       Most master do. Obedience is not enough, they demand pleasure and not just that the slave gives it, also that she feels it and gives herself to the sensation. Free women can sometimes pretend, lie, slaves can not; because they lack the comforts of privacy essentials to make lies possible without the cooperation of the person being lied to. 

      Masters; not all of them, but most among them; demand pleasure and more. They demand receptivity, and need. Slavegirls must long for their masters attention, crave for their touch when they are not looking at them, wait master's return with all their beings desiring to see him again. The slaves must fear master's disapproval more than they fear his whip. Free women often assume that would be impossible to demand such things, because they are impossible to give by act of will. They have little idea about who far changes can go, when they follow the direction of millions of years of evolution by variation within each specie and natural selection. They have no idea about how adaptive talking mammals can be. 

      Diomecina understand most of what exists to be understood about all that, both by theory and by experience. For what she knows take time to learn such things,  and even more time to unlearn the counterfactual certainties embraced at young age in order to be able to start the learning process.