Thursday, March 28, 2019

Song page

   _See master? That's how your former boss sings when she is given no choice. You have no objections now, have you miss ? You are ready to serve your master on your knees now, aren't you ? 

  _ (unintelligible groan)

  _She has no more protests. Took half the time we agreed upon.  

  There is a well know saying on Mandallu "Slaves make no deals", it means that free people should never bargain with slaves. Specially not with a slave who belong to us. 
   As all rules that one is ignored from time to time, that's the beautiful thing about humans and their rules. The children of the vortex at first ignore most social imperatives valid for the world where we all live, and most never completely adapt. 

   The young Warrior Caste, who has the lick to be an alchemist, has been on Mandallu for almost two years now. Despite that, he still made this deal with his slave without think one second about. Maybe it was not a deal, but a bet, I'm not sure. 

   _You made it, but you are a woman. A man, like myself, could not.              

   _If that was true, master, how could human specie survive? Men find much easier to place us on our knees, actually, but you must allow yourself to use your instincts in your own interest. 

   Since my friend seemed to have forgotten, I decided to remind him the terms of their deal. Not that I care, I don't, just seemed fun.      
    _There is one more thing left, before your deal be concluded. As I remember your guest here told us that she would never suck a man's cock, and much less yours. Then the slave said that she could change the free woman's mind, if allowed to treat her as her slave, and not only have the red haired sucking you but make her do that on her knees, in  public. And (what seemed to me more curious than all rest) after finish the job your former employer would thank you for allow her to serve your pleasure. 

    _Master Cantaur is right master, I believe. She , mistress, is ready to prove me right now. Whenever you like.     

   For a matter of justice, since I had started, I continued the recapitulation of the therms mentioned during that party. Drunk humans don't have a memory as good and my kind has. However, for the sake of true, I must admit that I am sure the slave girl did not forgot that part. 
   _ Once the matter is settle, if you guest really prove your slave correct, then would be your turn my friend. You would have to buy the slave, and make her your free slave with whip rights over all other slaves in the house, and keep her in this position for at least two years. Alesha, in her turn, agreed in became my slave is she was proved wrong. While I, by my side, agreed in teach her as as much magic as I could if he didn't loosed. She wanted to be presented by me to our city's Mage Caste, as a candidate for membership: but that I did not agreed to do. I am, however, disposed to consider the idea: if she refuses to do what KiKa is promises. 

   _I was drunk, I was not thinking strait professor !  You don't expect me to take my pants in public, do you? 

   _I expect nothing, my friend. I'm just reminding you what deal you made. If a Warrior Caste of Mandallu when sober live up to promises made when he was drunk, or not, make no difference._I laugh loudly for some time, before I was able to answer it in comprehensible words. 

    _Thank you very much. 

    _Your decision has no effect on our friendship. But be advised: I will brag about it in the face of yours arrogant Caste Brothers!     

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